Tickets! Actual tickets!
I picked up our tickets from Travel Cuts two days ago and they look like novellas! Some legs of the trip have electronic tickets while others are paper, which means we have to guard these booklets or pay a hundred bucks to re-issue whatever parts we need. That would be annoying. Travel Cuts has provided us each with a sturdy zip-lock bag. Hope for the best.
The trip is now five weeks away and I'm ansy to load up my backpack NOW. I've been analyzing the merits of various items of clothing, considering their potential to be packed itsy bitsy and worn in random conditions and situations. In the real world, I love to change my clothes 3 or 4 times a day... work, gym, fun-time, jammies. Whilst travelling, I predict the whatever's-clean philosophy coming into effect. I succumbed long ago to the despair of having no hairdryer -- at first I was afraid, I was petrified, kept thinking I could never live without [it] by my side... but I've grown strong and I learned how to get along. It's all good. I'll wear a sombrero in Mexico.
My babysitting gig is up in two days. I've got a solid base-tan for the trip. I'll work at the Dal bookstore for a couple of weeks and try to see family and friends as much as I can before I leave.
BIG NEWS! Sister bonding alert. This weekend Shelley and I are going to PEI to see the Black Eyed Peas concert! I'm so excited to be going on a road trip with my little sis, Shelleybean! Three other girls are going, Shell's driving and we're going to have a blast. Hope she's making a kick-ass CD for the drive.
I'm out, {K}